
May 30, 2014

{Welcome Little Wesley}

We are so excited that he is here! He is just precious and we are all in love with him!

My last 2 children were 8 days pass due and I expected Wesley to do the same. It was Monday and I had my TO DO LIST written for the next couple days. I thought I had 2 days left to get everything done. I had 11 loads of laundry to do, since my washer was broken, and I was determined to get it done! I had an OB that morning and halfway to the Birth Center I started having contractions....they were 11-13 min apart. I knew that was the day. The contractions were definitely the really deal!

Once we arrived at the Birth Center, Chloe asked me if the midwives were going to tell me when Wesley would arrive. I told her they could not do that. She asked me, "Then how will you know when he is coming?" Love the minds of children!!!!

At my appointment the midwife asked me when I thought the baby might come...."Today!" She looked at me as if to say how do you know. "I started having contractions on the way here." She asked if I wanted to stay and see how it goes...."I have to get home and finish the laundry!!!" haha She told me to keep in touch and I raced back home to grab my baskets of laundry and head to the "Wash Tub" (my washer was broken).

Josh happened to be home and he went with us since I was having contractions. We all worked together to get the laundry into 11 washers. I had really intense contractions that stopped me dead in my tracks and I just waited for them to come and go. As the loads were finishing, contractions were getting closer and I was standing there staring at the washer I was about to unload. The lady working at the laundramat said to me, "Honey, you don't have to wait for the light to go off. You can just open it up." I looked at her and said, "I'm not waiting on the light. I'm having contractions." Her eyes got so big!!!! haha

Well, I felt better that the laundry got done! We went back home and I started cooking Red Beans and Rice and Gumbo so we would have a good meal after baby arrived. I had the kids load up the car and I told them Wesley was coming!!!! They were so excited!

I continued housework, Josh worked in the garden and the kids ran around like it was the day before Christmas! Contractions were not coming any closer. They were intense, but spread far apart, so I decided that I had better just go on to Selah Midwifery Center and get ready to have a baby. I am the type that if I have things to do or too many people around, labor will not progress. I have to get into the mindset that IT IS TIME TO HAVE A BABY!

When we first got to the birth center, I was very tired and sleepy. Josh even commented that I looked worn I got hit by a truck (isn't he sweet?!). I asked him to make me some Energy Tea, I drank it and a short time after, he walks back into the room and says, "You look like you got a second wind!!!" I did! That tea gave me a boost of energy and I was ready to have a baby :)

Labor began to progress and it was time to get into the tub. Once I got in the tub labor picked up FAST! I didn't count, but I would guess that I only pushed 4 or 5 times before Daddy caught him and handed him to me. That moment is always my very favorite! It is a moment that overwhelms me with so many emotions and this chunky bundle of love is in my arms....It can not be described.

And here he is.........

@ 10 days......

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  1. He is absolutely precious!! Thanks for sharing some of your birth story as well - you are an amazing mama!!

  2. "I'm not waiting for the light, I'm having a contraction!' Haha, Christy. You made me laugh. That sounds JUST like you. :) I know you will never forget that day. ( I got tired just reading about all you accomplished)!
    -Jessica Ingram

    1. Hey girl!!! We were just talking about you yesterday! All good things.....well, it was because I was listening to Michael Buble' Radio on Pandora and Nat King Cole was playing....I told Josh about your CD getting confiscated :P haha Miss you!

  3. I have always enjoyed hearing a good baby delivery story and yours is a good one! Darling, you had every right to look tired, you were laboring while in labor! Your baby is beautiful! Those pics with the tie are so precious!


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