August 22, 2011

{Snappy Jobs and Pretend}
My kids love “jobs”. They are constantly asking for something special to do. Jesse never lets me take out the trash anymore. He loves feeding the dogs every morning and starting a load of laundry for me. Chloe pushes her chair up to the sink and washes dishes for me. She tidies the bathroom and she loves to chop vegetables. (I find that if I let the kids shop for vegetables and then let them prepare them for supper, they eat their veggies like it’s chocolate cake!) Elijah…has no clue how to clean anything! He begins picking up toys, but very soon is lost in a “story”.  They play “brother & sister”. This game has been going on for about 2 years. It’s fun to listen to them play. Of course the game ceases for the moment I walk in the room and resumes as soon as I leave. Chloe and Eli have begun playing school together. They take turns being the teacher. I was cleaning the closet in the room next to the school room where they were playing and I was enjoying their lessons. Eli says to Chloe, “lets sing our ABC’s”. Then I walked in and he said, “Chloe, don’t sing yet, Mommy’s in here”. He gets so embarrassed when I catch him being cute. Smile  Chloe is going to be a great teacher.
                                                          Personalities:                                                            Elijah runs around the house with his cape (blanket tied around his neck) jumping from couch to couch and declaring, “I’m PowerMan!” He started Kindergarten and is doing very well… he loves to print letters. Elijah~“Mom, I’m big enough now, right?” Mom~”Yes, Elijah! You are big enough!” Elijah~ “So I can climb on the top bunk now, right” Smile He is always reminding me that he is “big enough”.
Jesse is the same Jesse he’s always been. Forever building something, reading science books or Garfield comic books, and dreaming of all the stuff he wants to buy with all that money he’s going to make recycling cans! He constantly has a wish list going. He enjoys listening to Adventures in Odyssey,  Jonathan Parks, and Hank the Cowdog.
Chloe collects junk! Her room is full of letters, cards, receipts, notebooks full of doodles, homework papers,….She has a hard time getting rid of things. She has never been one to play with toys! She loves anything from the Office Depot. I catch her sneaking her cursive writing workbook for practice. She loves reading anything and everything. Junie B. Jones is her favorite right now.
Chloe Toothless 002

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